
The Galicia beef

Tournedos de Ternera

(1) reseña del cliente

Disfrute del placer de un Tournedos de Ternera excepcional, elaborado a partir de carnes de razas Gallega o Retinta. Estas reconocidas razas ofrecen una carne de una ternura notable y un sabor profundo. Nuestros artesanos carniceros seleccionan cuidadosamente estos cortes nobles para garantizarle una experiencia culinaria fuera de lo común. Ideal para sus cenas refinadas, el tournedos se presta a cocciones rápidas que preservan toda su jugosidad y sabor auténtico.





Maturation : 21 days

15,60€ (104,00€/kg)

In its vacuum pack, the meat can be stored 7 days in the fridge.

In its wrapping, the meat can be stored for a maximum of 2 to 3 days, at a temperature between 2°C to 4°C.

To extend the storage time limit, you may use the freezer.

We nevertheless recommend you consume it within 3 months.

Preferably, take the meat out of the freezer 24 hours in advance and let it slowly defrost in the fridge.

In the oven:

Pre-heat the oven at 250°C.

Put in the oven for 12 min per pound (500g) at 250°C.

Water regularly. Cover with some aluminum foil for 5 min before serving. 



In a pan:

It must be colored over high heat on both sides in a pan with a little fat (oil or butter) in order to sear the surface and caramelize the juices to form a crust that will protect it through the cooking over a lower flame: 2 to 4 minutes per side.

  • Mohamed

    ça fond en bouche, très tendre

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