
The Galicia beef

Entrecot de Ternera

Saboree nuestro excepcional Entrecot de Ternera, procedente de las prestigiosas razas Gallega o Retinta. Seleccionado con pasión por Los Gemelos, este corte se caracteriza por una ternura notable y un generoso veteado que le confieren un sabor rico e intenso. Madurado durante 1 mes y medio a 2 meses, revela aromas profundos que deleitarán a los amantes de la carne de calidad.

Ideal para cocinar a la sartén o a la parrilla, nuestro entrecot le promete una experiencia gustativa única, reflejo del saber hacer de nuestros artesanos carniceros.

Type of cut : Slice

48,00€ (120,00€/kg)

In its vacuum pack, the meat can be stored 7 days in the fridge.

In its wrapping, the meat can be stored for a maximum of 2 to 3 days, at a temperature between 2°C to 4°C.

To extend the storage time limit, you may use the freezer.

We nevertheless recommend you consume it within 3 months.

Preferably, take the meat out of the freezer 24 hours in advance and let it slowly defrost in the fridge.

In a hot oiled pan (hot start), cook over very high heat for 30 sec. on each side.

Then over a very low heat, cook for 1 min 30 on each side if you like it rare, and 2 min / 2 min 30 for medium.

Add salt and pepper after cooking only.

Take your meat out of the fridge 30 min prior to cooking.

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