
The Galicia beef

WAGYU flank steak

The flank steak is a very tender meat with long loose fibers. It’s one of meat lovers’ favorite pieces.

Race : WAGYU
Type of cut : Slice
Maturation : Between 30 days and 90 days

81,00€ (270,00€/kg)

Born of the juxtaposition of the words WA (Japan) and GYU (Beef), this mythical race of Japanese cattle is part of the most appreciated breeds by meat lovers. Traditionally, the WAGYU cattle were used in Japan as beasts of burden and oxen. They were selected for their capacity to quickly metabolize fat into sugars and to transform these sugars into energy and muscular force. Wagyu cows have been isolated from other races since Japanese Medieval times because of the mountainous landscape and constant wars. This isolation has insured this breed an unmatched genetic purity.

An exceptional meat and an exceptional “persillage”, thanks to its intramuscular marbling (the fat is distributed inside the muscles’ meat, and not around it): such are the qualities of Wagyu beef, which have made it famous around the world for its extreme tenderness and its inimitable buttery and nutty flavor. Moreover, the fat in this meat has the particularity to be rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids. The latter are low in cholesterol and thus good for your health.

Live an out of the ordinary gustatory experience with Wagyu!

When vacuum-packed, the meat can be stored 7 days in the fridge.

If the package is open or pierced, a maximum of 2 to 3 days, at a temperature between 2°C to 4°C.

To extend the storage time limit, you may use the freezer.

We nevertheless recommend you consume it within 3 months.

Preferably, take the meat out of the freezer 24 hours in advance.

Prepare a grill or a hot pan with butter and a drop of oil. Cook the flank steak 1 minute on each side on high heat, then on a gentle fire 1 min 20 each side so as to caramelise the surface juices and to keep a maximum of juice in. Add salt and pepper once cooking is done.

To make things better, you may deglaze the cooking juices with a trickle of water and pour the cooking juice on your flank steaks.

Savour it rare. Its texture is not fit for medium cooking. Avoid barbecue cooking which tends to dry it off.
To get a perfectly tender sirloin flank steak, take it out of the fridge 30 minutes and let it rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. This way your steak will not undergo thermal shock, which could contract its muscular fibers and make it stiff.

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