
The beef

Côte (entrecote)

La côte de Bœuf Wagyu est d'un persillage et d'un grain de viande sans pareil. Avec l’entrecôte, c’est un morceau emblématique de la viande de bœuf. Le Wagyu possède une étonnante capacité à diffuser un gras subtil qui libère des saveurs complexes, comme le caramel ou le beurre cru. 

Race : WAGYU
Type of cut : Slice
Maturation : Between 30 days and 90 days

456,00€ (380,00€/kg)

Born of the juxtaposition of the words WA (Japan) and GYU (Beef), this mythical race of Japanese cattle is part of the most appreciated breeds by meat lovers. Traditionally, the WAGYU cattle were used in Japan as beasts of burden and oxen. They were selected for their capacity to quickly metabolize fat into sugars and to transform these sugars into energy and muscular force. Wagyu cows have been isolated from other races since Japanese Medieval times because of the mountainous landscape and constant wars. This isolation has insured this breed an unmatched genetic purity.

An exceptional meat and an exceptional “persillage”, thanks to its intramuscular marbling (the fat is distributed inside the muscles’ meat, and not around it): such are the qualities of Wagyu beef, which have made it famous around the world for its extreme tenderness and its inimitable buttery and nutty flavor. Moreover, the fat in this meat has the particularity to be rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids. The latter are low in cholesterol and thus good for your health.

Live an out of the ordinary gustatory experience with Wagyu!

Born of the juxtaposition of the words WA (Japan) and GYU (Beef), this mythical race of Japanese cattle is part of the most appreciated breeds by meat lovers. Traditionally, the WAGYU cattle were used in Japan as beasts of burden and oxen. They were selected for their capacity to quickly metabolize fat into sugars and to transform these sugars into energy and muscular force. Wagyu cows have been isolated from other races since Japanese Medieval times because of the mountainous landscape and constant wars. This isolation has insured this breed an unmatched genetic purity.

An exceptional meat and an exceptional “persillage”, thanks to its intramuscular marbling (the fat is distributed inside the muscles’ meat, and not around it): such are the qualities of Wagyu beef, which have made it famous around the world for its extreme tenderness and its inimitable buttery and nutty flavor. Moreover, the fat in this meat has the particularity to be rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids. The latter are low in cholesterol and thus good for your health.

Live an out of the ordinary gustatory experience with Wagyu!

Born of the juxtaposition of the words WA (Japan) and GYU (Beef), this mythical race of Japanese cattle is part of the most appreciated breeds by meat lovers. Traditionally, the WAGYU cattle were used in Japan as beasts of burden and oxen. They were selected for their capacity to quickly metabolize fat into sugars and to transform these sugars into energy and muscular force. Wagyu cows have been isolated from other races since Japanese Medieval times because of the mountainous landscape and constant wars. This isolation has insured this breed an unmatched genetic purity.

An exceptional meat and an exceptional “persillage”, thanks to its intramuscular marbling (the fat is distributed inside the muscles’ meat, and not around it): such are the qualities of Wagyu beef, which have made it famous around the world for its extreme tenderness and its inimitable buttery and nutty flavor. Moreover, the fat in this meat has the particularity to be rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids. The latter are low in cholesterol and thus good for your health.

Live an out of the ordinary gustatory experience with Wagyu!

Dans son emballage, la viande peut se conserver 2 à 3 jours maximum au réfrigérateur entre + 2 à + 4 °C.

Pour prolonger le délai de conservation, vous pouvez opter pour la congélation.

Nous vous conseillons néanmoins de la consommer dans les 3 mois.

Dans la mesure du possible, sortir la viande au minimum 24 h avant du congélateur et la laisser décongeler progressivement au réfrigérateur.

Pour une cuisson au four

Commencer la cuisson à feu vif dans une poêle huilée , 2 minutes de chaque côté et 1 minute sur le flanc.

Mettre votre côte dans un plat et enfourner entre 20 et 25 minutes à 210°C.

Pensez à sortir votre viande du réfrigérateur entre 2 et 4 heures avant la cuisson

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